What can I expect from the service?
Each service is an hour long. Each weekend you will experience a great cup of coffee, engaging music and a message that is relevant to the struggles we all face. To get a feel for the teaching style, you can check out a previous message on our Mission Connect App.
How do I know if Mission is for me?
We are a casual, come as you are church. No matter your background, baggage, or beliefs, you are invited to come join us. If you want to know what we believe as a church then see what we’re about here.
What do I do when I get here?
Once you park and start heading toward the building, look for the signs that say “First-Time Guests.” They’re easy to find and will lead you to a Connection Center. We’re excited to meet you at the Connection Center, tell you a little bit about Mission, and give you a gift just to welcome you. If you have kids then we’ll show you where to find our Mission Kids Check-in.
What is there for my kids?
While you’re in the service, we offer worship care for your preschool and younger kids. Here they can enjoy an experience designed just for them. Mission Kids is our children’s ministry for kids birth through fifth grade and is offered during the 10:30 service. During this time they will hear an interactive story, learn songs, play games all while learning on their age level about God and His love for them.
Visit our Mission Kids page to learn more and to register your kids in our check-in system!