mission youth horiz white

Mission Students: Our goal is to challenge and impact a student’s faith in real and meaningful ways. We strive to give students practical and tangible ways to put their faith in action, as we believe that students aren’t the church of the future, they are the church today.


Our mission is to partner with you, the parents, to help your student Become fully equipped followers of Jesus, Grow in their faith, and Rise as leaders and champions of the gospel in their schools and community.


Who We Are: The Student Ministry of Mission Church. We are open to 6th – 12th grade teenagers. We offer specific times for Middle School and High School Students to meet, as well as break down further into grade specific small groups. We have trips and events for both Middle School and High School, as well as for our Student Ministry as a whole. Our purpose in all our small groups, trips and events are to help students, grow closer in relationships with parents, develop stronger relationships with each other and their leaders and help put their faith into action, and grow deeper in their faith.


Morning Bible Study - Sundays 10:30am 

Our student group, middle and high school, meet to study scripture and in-depth things from the Bible to grow deeper in knowledge.

Upcoming Events

Winter Event

Christmas Party

Hang out

Christmas Sweaters, pjs, or costumes! 

Let's have some Christmas fun! We'll have games, prizes, treats, and Karaoke fun! Come laugh and hang out with your youth group fam to kick off Christmas Break! No need to sign up, just come if you can and hang as long as you can! But ya gotta leave by 9pm! haha

  • Dates: December 20th
  • Cost: Free
  • Location: Mission Church

High School Winter Retreat


The High School Winter Retreat is always a great event for at 9th -12th grade group. This year our retreat will take place on January the 17th - 20th. The theme for the year is "Shine." We will be looking at Jesus teaching in Matthew 5 about letting our light shine before others so they see and glorify God.

Join us at the beach as we study and enjoy a get away.

  • Dates: January 17th - 20th
  • Cost: $150
  • Location: Carolina Beach, North Carolina

Registration will be open November 27th - December 28th 2024

High School

Want to know whats going on in the life of Mission Students? Please take some time to follow, subscribe and like all our socials! To make sure you see post also like posts when you see them, this will keep them in your news feed so you never miss out on important announcements and fun posts!


We are Mission Students!

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Wednesdays Nights:

6:30pm – 8:00pm

Mission Middle School: this is our weekly time for Middle School students grades 6th – 8th. We meet together for snacks, hangout, games, lessons and then break into individual grade specific small groups.


10:30am – 11:30am

In-depth Bible Study for 6th - 8th grade (9th - 12th welcome to attend or serve). Group located in upper hall of the Family Department. Beginning March 6th, 2022

6:30pm – 8:00pm

Mission High School, this is our weekly meeting for all students 9th – 12th grade. We meet in the student’s room to hang out, play games, and have our discussion, as well as have scheduled times to meet in homes for dinner and discussions. 

To Parents:

So you’re the parent of a teenager, huh? Congratulations! You have one of the most important (and sometimes the most difficult) jobs on the planet. 

We know your job isn’t always easy, but here’s what we want you to know: we’re here to help, in any way we can. Sure, we’re a “youth” ministry, but teenagers aren’t the only people we care about. We care about you too.

No matter how connected (or not connected) you are with our church, our Students and Family Pastor and our leaders are here to care for your kid and you and serve your family any way we can!

Thanks for letting us be another voice in the life of your teenager. Your trust and partnership means a lot to us. 

To Students:

Mission Students is an awesome group to be a part of! There are a lot of opportunities to get involved, make new friends, grow deeper in your faith, and learn more about being a Jesus follower. We go on a lot of trips, some fun, some to serve, we have Mission Trip opportunities, Summer Camp, as well as worship concerts! We have small groups specific to your grade, so that you have adults and peers you hang out with weekly to help travers some of life’s challenges and discover ways to grow deeper in your faith. 

1Parent Info
2Student Info